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Працюйте в Technolex

Бюро перекладів Technolex — провідний постачальник послуг перекладу та локалізації в Україні. Наша спеціалізація — високоякісний переклад для найвимогливіших клієнтів, серед яких усесвітньо відомі розробники операційних і пошукових систем, програм та онлайн-служб, виробники мобільних телефонів, побутової техніки, автомобілів і промислового обладнання.

our story in numbers

Про Technolex

Learn more about the people and facts behind our activity and the vision that fuels our commitment to providing valuable content and services to our audience.

We are ranked as


largest translation agencies in Ukraine



companies have used our services

We have conducted



projects, more than 30 mln words translated in 2021

We have grown



since our foundation in 2010

our story in numbers

What working at Technolex

Joining our team as a translator offers a dynamic platform for language professionals to showcase their skills, collaborate on diverse projects, and contribute to global communication excellence.

Working conditions

Spacious office

Remote work option

Career prospects

Team cooperation

Friendly team

Professional managers

Corporate parties

Gaining Experience


Regural feedbacks

Top customers

Other benefits



And more….

application process

How to apply?

That’s quite simple:

  • Select vacancy from the list below
  • Pass a very short automatic tests if needed
  • Fill in the questionnaire
  • Pass translation test (about 200 words)
  • Start working, if you are freelancer
  • Pass interview if you want to work in-house
our job offers


Please select the vacancy from the list below, and follow the instructions.